How do I implement the OUTTRA Dealer Locator on my website?

To implement the OUTTRA Dealer Locator you just have to add an iframe to your website

The OUTTRA Dealer Locator is integrated as an iframe on your website. 

There are three configuration variables for the iframe:

  • $BRAND and $BRAND_ID will be given to you by OUTTRA. For example this could be "sports-brand" and "12345".
  • $LANG is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the language you want to load for the widget (for example "de" for German or "en" for English).
A demo implementation of the iframe:

<iframe style="border: none; width: 100%; min-height: 650px;" src="$BRAND/shop-map/?outtrabrandId=$BRAND_ID&language=$LANG"></iframe>

You are free to choose the height and width of the iframe, but we recommend providing a minimum height of 650 pixels and the full width of the web page.